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About Me

My name is Seb Pecchia and my  working background is in stills sound and film. I have been lucky to work with some amazing people and in some amazing places. I've always loved the bond between picture and sound, they are inextricably linked.
As a student, I studied film, television and English Literature at the University of Surrey. Somehow I always ended up with a camera in my hand for shooting stills or video and hunted down great audio to go along with it.
I've worked with amazing people in the world of music, sport and crafts, with great creators and players that have great strengths. When you work with these people it seems fitting to capture their skills and snapshots of their lives.
Highlights would be working with David Bowie on one of his much maligned British Feature films. Also working closely on documentaries with Paralympic Athletes, Patrick Anderson and Andy Lewis. Two of the worlds most inspiring people.
I love being part of a team or working as a Self Shooting Producer/Director.  I also hold a UK PfCO (Permission for commercial Operation) which gives me a little edge especially when budgets are tight.
 Please see GEAR page for info.

Runner Up Film Convert Best Mini Doc  2018

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